Sunday, February 17, 2013

Current Day Detectives

One example of a current detective would be a doctor. Every day, it is their job to figure out what is wrong with their patient. When a new case is presented, they have to look at the patient’s symptoms, run tests and somehow put all the random pieces of the puzzle together, to answer the question of what is wrong, much like a detective does in a case. A detective has to put all the pieces of evidence together to determine what happened and solve the crime. Doctors are popular today because of the advancement of technology. They can do extraordinary things in medicine, things that people never thought possible, this alone leaves people curious and interested, thus making doctors popular. There are so many shows out today that follow doctors simply because it’s interesting to see all the amazing things they can do.

A less serious and more fictional example of detectives today could be taken from the TV series Pretty Little Liars. Here are a group of 4 friends that are trying to figure out the story behind their friend’s murder. They spend every day trying to put clues together to try and figure out what happened to their friend. Sometimes they find new useful evidence and other times they are just being set up and end up taking two steps back instead of one forward. Along the way they are slowing figuring out the difference and learning to not take everything for face value but looking deeper into the meaning, much like a good detective has to do. They are playing detectives while in high school simply out of loyalty to their late friend.  

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