Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Unsolved Mysteries

1. The first example I will use, is of Jack the Ripper. In 1888, there was a series of murders of prostitutes in the Whitechapel district of London's East End. These women's bodies were totally mutilated by a man that was never discovered but named, "Jack the Ripper". A kidney of one of the victims was even mailed to the police. This grabs my attention, simply because it seems so outrageous, who does that? It also makes me think of how long ago this was and how little we knew about DNA and catching people like this.

2. Although this is a fictional example, the case of who killed Alison on the show Pretty Little Liars, is still unsolved. Her body was discovered and many suspects, but none can solved the crime. I find this fascinating because no matter how many times you try and figure out who did it, the show twists in another direction.

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