Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Current Detectives

Two detectives that are common today other than the actual ones are doctors and mechanics. These are just two examples that can be found in our lives. These are great examples because like a detective they have to use clues in order to solve a problem. In the case of a doctor this could be clues leading to a type of illness. The mechanic on the other hand uses clues that lead him or her to discovering what is wrong with the car. By following these clues they are able to fix the problem. Detectives when they solve a problem use justice to often arrest the suspect. Doctors will diagnose and treat the patient and mechanics will determine the problem and fix it as well. Both doctors and mechanics search for clues that lead them to the ultimate answer of what happened or what is wrong in a similar way as detectives do.
Both of these examples are popular because each and everyone of us at some point in our lives needs this person to solve a problem that we are unable to do. They are able to notice the subtle details and come to a conclusion that the untrained eye would regularly miss. If it were not for these people many of us would be sick and go untreated or our cars would no longer run. They are important because we need them and they are able to help us in ways we often can not help ourselves.

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