Sunday, February 17, 2013

Current Detectives

In my opinion, one example of a current detective would be a National Football League agent. I believe an NFL agent and detective has many things in common. In both of these professions, people are very good at judging the people they work with. An NFL agent has to know more about their players than the actual players know about themselves. The agent has to be very good at judging talent along with judging their personality. If a player doesn’t have the skill sets then the agent will not want to sign them or if a talented player has a bad reputation or personality he might not want to take a risk on him. Agents are known for going out of their way to talk to people that are close to the athletes trying to get any dirt on them or simply trying to figure out what kind of person he is truly dealing with. I believe NFL agents are popular because they deal with the greatest athletes in the world and they are one of the few people that actually know them personally.

            Another example of a current detective would be Psychiatrist. People come in and tell them their problems or worries and they do their best to try and solve some of their problems. Psychiatrists know a lot of information about their patients and a trying to put pieces together like a puzzle to help them out. They are popular because they tend to make a lot of money and also not just anyone can be a psychiatrist, you have to have a certain set of skills to connect with people.

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