Monday, February 18, 2013

The New Detectives

So I was sitting around thinking about an "out of the box" detective and it hit me that most of the shows we watch today involve some sort of mystery solving, and many of the books we read involve some sort of mystery that needs to be solved.

My first choice is House.  While he is a doctor, every episode of the show involves him solving some puzzling medical mystery that no other doctor can solve.  He fits many of the archetypes of a detective; he is an outsider--often he is abrasive and rude to everyone--and he lacks a considerable amount of empathy and operates with cold logic.  House operates on a higher level than the other doctors and it allows him to notice details about a patient that every one else misses.

My second choice for a detective, is Hermione Granger.  While she is book smart she also has a considerable amount of practical know-how and is usually ten steps ahead of Harry and Ron.  She figures out the mystery and then points Harry in the direction to solving it.  I especially like Hermione as a detective kind of hero because she does not play and damsel in distress and is integral to solving the mysteries that abound in Hogwarts.

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