Sunday, February 17, 2013

Current Detectives

One example of a current detective is Ron Paul. He is a honest politician that searches for the truth in the midst of a corrupt government system. The truth is often hard to find in the political arena. Most politicians are dishonest and do whatever they can to blur the truth in order to hold their power and sometimes to make money. However, Ron Paul acts like a detective and looks for the hidden unbiased facts in any situation in order to form an opinion that he honestly thinks will help the people that he serves. He is popular because so few politicians do this nowadays. He is one of the few people that the people can be trusted and has proved that he does whatever he can to convey the truth to the people.

Another example of modern-day detectives are forensic accountants. Their job is to look through accounting files of businesses and look for inconsistencies or fraud. They are ensuring that businesses are honest in their records and are searching out for the greedy and dishonest people that are trying to take advantage of the system for their own selfish benefit. These people are popular because the public has a strong dislike for greedy white-collar criminals. The public has seen in the past how much disaster these white-collar criminals can bring upon working class people, such as in the Enron scandal. The public likes to see people like forensic accountants do whatever they can to prevent these sorts of incidents from happening again.

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