Wednesday, February 20, 2013


One example of a modern day detective would be nurses. Detectives have highly trained skills for observing hints and clues to analyzing all the information they can gather. Just like in the viewing, Holms was able to analyze detailed information about the man in the suit such as the type and amount of dogs he owned and where he worked. Nurses assess just what issues patients may have just by looking at skin color, hair, and even just the way a patient may be talking or breathing. For example, a nurse can tell how whether a patient is having a blood clot in the vessels of the lungs or a heart attack just by the way a patient is breathing or how the patient explains the symptoms. Detectives have to analyze many clues, numbers, and make many predictions. Nurses also have to gather information from charts and lab values so that they may put together a lot of information in order gather conclusions about a patient's condition and what treatment will be needed.  Just as Holms spent many sleepless nights thinking and trying to solve crimes, nurses also can be sleep deprived and sacrifice lunch times and even time with family so that the patients can improve. As Holmes said, “You see, but you do not observe. The distiction is clear.” Holms has a skill that seems so natural and easy for him. That others find impossible to do.  
            Another example of a modern day detective would be people of a search and rescue team. Someone from a search and rescue have many talents that others are amazed by.  Just as Holms has unique talents and abilities to figure problems out. It is almost just as supernatural they way a search and rescue team can quickly find others in the middle of deserts or oceans. They have great navigational skills to find where they need to go. They also have a lot of strength to carry all the rescue equipment and to climb down from helicopters. They also have to think and work fast. Holms is also has to be a fast thinker to out smart his enemies.

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