Monday, February 25, 2013

Unsolved Mysteries

The first unsolved mystery I found was rock star Kurt Cobain, who was a lead guitarist and singer-songwriter for the grunge band, Nirvana. Cobain, who died at the age of 27. He was a heroin user who reportedly committed suicide, leaving a young daughter and wife behind.On April 8th 1994, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana, was found dead in his Seattle home of an apparent shotgun wound to the head and with three times the lethal amount of heroin in his system. A note lay at the scene. It's believed that he committed suicide but others say murder. His death was officially ruled a suicide, but there are plenty of people who stand by the theory that he was murdered. Unfortunately, unless someone confesses, there's no way to know for certain. But as for now, his death is considered a suicide, and his death certificate reflects that. His death is going to remain in the history books with others like Marilyn Monroe, as being too soon, and surrounded by questions. This was an interesting case because his death was reported as suicide but no one really knows how he died. What makes people believe it was suicide was Kurt way of thinking. Kurt started getting disappointed with the music industry because he couldn't be creative and nothing was changing, and he couldn't imagine living in a world where the industry of music doesn't allow a person to be who they are. It amazes me with all the advances we have people still get away with crimes and cases go unsolved. 


    The second mystery I found was Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart was an experienced pilot and disappeared when trying to fly around the world. The mystery is that they never found a plane wreck or a body. Some say she crashed and was captured by the Japanese and killed. Others say she just crashed. There are some who contend that she was secretly sent to spy on the Japanese in the South Pacific as she flew around the world. The mystery is no one knows for certain what happened to her. This is also an interesting mystery because no one knows where she went, if she crashed, where her plane went, nothing at all.She quite literally disappeared off the face of the earth. No one has found her plane, wreckage, or bodies. Like the other story, they both leave us with questions that will never be answered. 

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