Sunday, February 17, 2013

Current Detectives

One example of a detective that comes to mind is Cyril Wecht, a forensic pathologist, attorney, and medical-legal consultant.  He is a local expert who is currently employed as a clinical professor at University of Pittsburgh and a professor at Duquense University School of Law.  He is nationally known for his involvement in the assassinations of both John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy, the death of Elvis Presley, O.J. Simpson, and several other topics.  He is one of the foremost critics of the "single-bullet theory" that supported the claim that Oswald, alone, killed JFK.  Wecht spent a great deal of his life disproving this theory and how it is "scientifically absurd." (

Another example of a current detective is Erin Brockovich, an American legal clerk and environmental activist and also the voice behind the largest medical settlement lawsuit in history (  In her early life, this beauty pageant title holder never would have guessed she would become a true American hero.  She was a single mom of three children, employed at a law firm as a file clerk, who later spent extensive time investigating and uncovering the largest toxic tort injury settlement in US history.  She discovered that Pacific Gas & Electric had been posioning the small town of Hinkley's Water for 30 years.  It was because of Brockovich that she unveiled PE & G had been leaking chromium 6 into the ground water, causing $333 million in damages.  This story resulted in the creation of a movie detailing this story.  Erin is currently involved in numerous environmental projects worldwide and is notorious for her investigations (

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