Sunday, February 17, 2013


My first example of a detective today is any person who works at an IT Department. When I have issues with my computer, I feel like Watson from “A Scandal in Bohemia”. I see, but I do not observe. IT workers look at a computer and can reason what is causing the problem. I merely see a broken computer that is refusing to cooperate. When they explain what they did to fix it, it seems so simple. Nevertheless, I could not have done it on my own. IT workers are popular because they are able to complete their mission of fixing our computers so that we can watch other detective stories in class.

My second example is a newspaper reporter. One movie that illustrates this well is Bounty Hunter. This movie actually shows both a bounty hunter and reporter as detectives following a story together. Sometimes emotion does mess up their investigation, but in the end they figure it out. The movie is popular because it combines comedy with an investigation. Reporters in general are popular because they are able to inform the general public of what they might not otherwise know.

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