Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Make shift detectives

What are two examples of current detectives? Why do you think they are popular? Don’t stick to just the actual detectives – think outside the box

          In light of our current assignment "The Poet" no other non-detective profession comes to mind when I think of detective other than a reporter.  I believe reporters have some of the most difficult tasks to accomplish in order to succeed in their profession.  They have to do a lot of "digging" around and putting their nose into business it shouldn't necessarily be found.  While also being able to turn around and put into a story that people can understand and want to read.  Working for a paper seems like a pretty tough gig, and I don't think you're a good reporter unless you have good detective skills as well.

            Secondly, I believe that scientists are a bit of detectives.  Specifically research scientists, but scientists none the less.  They spend so much time simply doing research.  In fact some scientists job description is nothing but doing research which surely relates to that of a detective.  As well as expanding on what you find and making connections.

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