Monday, February 18, 2013

Detectives Today


                                                                 Dectectives Today
      In my opinion two examples of detectives today would be a football scout and parents. I think that a football scout is a detective because with all the technology and sources, scouts are still very important in modern football no technology can see what the eye of an expert scout can see in talent. In some cases, they have even gained enough respect that clubs and agents/agencies invest more and more money into good scouts. and they have to go out and watch film and meet the player, and talk to him to see what kind of personality they have and how they act. that is why i think a football scout would be a good detective.

I think that parents are a great detectives because it seems thaty they know everything. I think that they are good detectives because they want to know everything and they always find out everything most of the time. they can go through your room or go though your phone. those are reasons why i think parents are good detectives.

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