Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Modern Detectives

For years detectives have been simultaneous with solving crime, however, they should not be confined to this mold.  I would argue that academics can also be detectives, as they struggle to make sense of knowledge that befuddles the general public.  It can be as monumental as John C. Trever and his work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, or as simple as Dr. Gideon Elford continually analyzing the Incentive argument and wage inequalities at the University of Oxford.  Regardless, academics qualify as modern day detectives.

Another example would be a lawyer, who is often presented with multiple sides of a story, and must get his facts straight so that way he can competently argue in front of a Judge.  Over the summer, I interned with Graham C. Showalter, Esquire, who did just that, and did so rather well I might add.

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