Sunday, February 24, 2013

Unsolved Mystery/Mysterious Creatures

Atmospheric Beasts: Creatures cited to live within the atmosphere. Low-density physical form. Danger-level: Between light to extreme in some cases.
So I figured I'd talk about these beasties today. Anywhere from small to large, inhabiting fog-banks and the atmosphere, Atmospheric beasts are theoretical creatures that currently reside in myth. Classifications could place the as an undiscovered species, or possibly multidimensional creatures.

A mystery. What about the mystery of adrenaline. A substance rarely used in large amounts, it has given people the capacity to lift cars and defy death. This substance could be cited as being accessible to great warriors of the past. The Berserkers of legend, super-warriors who were feared for their terrible power in battle. How can adrenaline be better studied and worked with, how can it be used for good? Too much and your heart will explode. Adrenaline is both super-powerful and dangerous.

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