Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Unexpected Heros

     Katniss from the "Hunger Games" is a good movie example of someone who went from being a nobody to a hero for her district. She went from being in the poorest district, overlooked and expected to die soon to seemingly out of nowhere, she won the hunger games. Katniss became a hero and role model not only for her poor district, but to all the others watching as well. She is a classic example of how the unknown "underdog" can become the unexpected hero of a story.

     For my second example of a "nobody who became hero", I wanted to write about both Rachel Scott and Cassie Barnall.  Their stories truly are ones of bravery and courage.  Both girls were victims of the high school Columbine shooting.  The shooters went to the high school and shot students who professed the name of God.  Cassie's parents wrote a book on her life called "She Said Yes".  The book is called that because when the shooter held the gun to her head and asked if she believes in God, she said yes.  The story 
for Rachel is very similar.  These girls were just ordinary teenage high school girls but their lives have become stories of heroes.  Teenagers from all over, myself included, admire the courage that would take to be a martyr and stand up for what we believe in. 

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