Sunday, April 7, 2013

God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies whom he calls.

 1.  Paul the missionary has got to be one of the earliest unlikely heroes ever.  Paul not only persecuted Jew's, he down right murdered them!  Yet God chooses him to be the great missionary he becomes anyway!  Because God doesn't always call the qualified person, sometimes he qualifies whom he's called.  And that unlikely hero is Paul.  True Story.

2.  Moses, whom was given up by his mother, placed in a basket and sent down a river becomes a gigantic hero!  Even though if we would have been kept by his mother he very likely would have been found, caught and killed.  But instead by the grace of God was adopted by royalty and got the chance to live!  But it gets even more unlikely.  Moses once got so angry he killed a man, yet God uses him anyway to lead his people the Israelites out of Egypt under the rule of the Pharaoh where they were slaves, to go to the Promised land.  True Story.

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