Sunday, April 28, 2013

Throughout this class I have learned more about monsters, vampires, and super natural creatures than I thought I would, however, in the end they really opened my horizons and imagination.  I am the type that could watch 10 love stories or chick flicks in a row and not get tired of them.  The shows and movies we watched in class tied interesting plots, sometimes love stories, adventures, but most important heroes into all of them.  This class helped me see what truly makes a hero and that basically anyone can be a hero.  I also didn't realize how many heroes are in literature and for various and good reasons.  I wish we could have talked about more modern heroes and compared them to heroes in the literature we read or talked about.  Overall, I really learned a lot from this class and encourage other people to take the course, for everyone is a hero and can see how to become a better hero by the examples such as King Arthur or Luke Skywalker.

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