Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Unseen Hero

There are many heroes in my mind that go unseen or who are not recognized. There are many people out there who make a difference in others’ lives in a heroic way but are not always boasted about. Some of these people are benefactors who host charity events or meals for the needy. They are major contributors to education foundations and health oriented foundations such as cancer societies. Other heroes could be charity workers who are out providing service for those who are in need or doctors performing medical treatments for free. Without the work of charity workers, there are many homeless and low income families who would go hungry. Doctors who perform medical treatments for free save the lives of those who may not have otherwise had the treatment without their generosity. Another hero that everyone can relate to is his/her mentor or idol. This is the person who we strive to be like and who encourages us to work to our fullest potential. These people can give us the support that is needed when our friends and family do not, as well as support us when we are doing great things.
 These all are heroes in peoples’ lives that are not always recognized. Without these unseen heroes, many lives would go unchanged from the lack of their support. The lasting impact that the unseen hero can make on our lives is everlasting, and potentially one of the most influential parts of our lives.

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