Tuesday, April 30, 2013

my experience as captain

I have had the experience of being the captain of a high school and college tennis team. The number one thing that I had learned as being a captain of a sports team was that it takes humbleness. Being the captain of a team does not mean that I am the best player on the team or even the best leader. I found humbleness as a team captain because I have to sometimes give others the opportunity to lead because leaders sometimes have to follow.
 As a captain I have to be someone that the team can come to if they are struggling with anything. It can be tennis or non-tennis related. I have to be able to give advice and help others on the team. I am also responsible for keeping the team up lifted and motivated for matches. I encourage the team to keep their heads up when they win and when they lose. I also encourage the ones that do not get much time on the court. I especially need to encourage the freshmen that are new to the adjustments of college. 
I got the position to be captain because I had the most experience and the oldest on the team. I had to learn from the previous team captains on what to do and I have to be able to be an example for the future captains of the team.
I think the most important thing I do as a captain is to make sure everyone has fun and gets along. Whether we have a losing season or a winning season, I want make sure the girls are able to say that their season was memorable.  

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