Monday, April 29, 2013

The Real Hero

     Since the semester is coming to an end and we have discussed and viewed many different individuals who have made the journey to the plane of heroes, I feel that it is appropriate to give my final insight of this class. I believe that anyone can be a hero. I do not however mean the farm boy as we discussed in class, or the people who are born in to a hero ideal. I mean you. I believe that the only thing that stands in the way of becoming a  hero for anyone is the will to become one. This will does not have to be the act of fighting and protecting your loved ones from harm, but simply to just believe in yourself and know when to act. You can be a hero for anyone, whether that means you act as a role model for the growing youth or by doing one small favor that sparks someone to achieve a lifetime of greatness in response to one incident spurred by you. I believe that each of us has the potential to be a hero. All it takes is a little bit of confidence and a will to be the one to act, even if it is the smallest of deeds.

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