Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Unexpected Heroes

     In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, a hero arose. 27 year old, Victoria Soto was a first grade teacher who protected her students from the violent attack that happened that day. She told her children that everything was going to be alright and kept the attacker from killing any of those innocent lives. She is the prefect example of a nobody being a hero in the time of need.

   Another example of a nobody being hero is not always a human, but can be your best friend. Your pet is always there for you when you need it. They can help in times of trouble and that is exactly what happened with Buddy the German shepherd. When Buddy was a puppy, his owner trained him to call 911 when his owner was having a seizure. At 18-months old, Buddy had to do exactly this when his owner had a seizure and Buddy called 911 with his teeth. He was able to get his owner help in a time of need. People are not the only ones who can be heroes and Buddy shows that dogs can step up and save the day.

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