Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ordinary Heroes

On January 15, 2009 the pilot of US Airways flight 1549 became a hero for safely landing his plane on the Hudson River in New York.  He was known as a hero because he used his judgment and safely landed the plane with no injuries or fatalities.  According to the passangers, Captain Chesley Sullenberge handled the situation very calmly and made the right decisions to keep everyone on board safe.  This goes to show you how an ordinary person becomes a hero because in this case he cared more about the passengers, his crew, and the plane than himself.  Yes, he had previous training, but he could not have trained for an experience like he had to deal with, and because of this he was smart and became the hero of over a hundred people.

Another famous person who was an ordinary person but became a hero was Princess Diana.  Princess Diana was a normal woman with some royal background, however when she married Prince Charles, she really became known in society.  However, it wasn't her marriage that made her a hero, it was her charity work she did almost every day of her life.  Princess Diana would go to hospitals, orphanages, and reached out to those in most need.  She was not afraid to be different and wanted to make a difference in people's lives.  She was hero to everyone she helped or had made an impact on.  This is a good example of someone also not being stuck up and using their popularity to help others and make a difference. Princess Diana was a true hero.

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