Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Leadership Paradox

In class we talked about a few things that seemed contradictory or opposite like noble demons or a Gentlemen Thief. These titles and actions seem paradoxical. We also talked about different aspects of leadership. Here is a poem that is full of paradoxes and is about qualities of leadership. I think a lot of this poem has to do with humility and being balanced. 

The following is a paradoxical poem on the servant leader:

Strong enough to be weak
Successful enough to fail
Busy enough to make time
Wise enough to say "I don't know"
Serious enough to laugh
Rich enough to be poor
Right enough to say "I'm wrong"
Compassionate enough to discipline
Mature enough to be childlike
Important enough to be last
Planned enough to be spontaneous
Controlled enough to be flexible
Free enough to endure captivity
Knowledgeable enough to ask questions
Loving enough to be angry
Great enough to be anonymous
Responsible enough to play
Assured enough to be rejected
Victorious enough to lose
Industrious enough to relax
Leading enough to serve

Poem by Brewer --- as cited by Hansel, in Holy Sweat, Dallas Texas, Word, 1987. (p29).

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