Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nobody to Hero

My first example of a nobody that became a hero, is a very old story, of Noah, from the bible. He was a guy that nobody really knew until God called him to build an ark to save all the animals and people who would follow him. He didn't even become a hero right away, actually once everyone found out who he was and what he was doing, they all made fun of him. But, today, we know him as the guy that followed God's commands and saved all the animals and people that survived the great flood. He ended up being the hero.
My second example is based on the movie The Blind Side. Here is a guy that was very poor and didn't have a very good life, but a very generous woman helped him change his life and give him the opportunity to be great. Now he is able to inspire many and is a hero to many people that watch him play football in the NFL.

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