Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Knights in todays world

     When the word knight comes to mind one may think of someone in shiny armor and riding on a horse. Knights back then were known for their bravery and fighting off enemies and guarding their castle. In today world the equivalent of knights are nurses, firefighters, first responder, and the teachers who sacrificed their life in the Newtown Connecticut shooting. Being from Connecticut this story is very touching and all the people who put their lives for others are all examples of knights in today world. Victoria Soto is a great example of a knight. This 27 year-old teacher took her life for the lives of the little children. She risked everything to save as many children as possible. The knight definitely thought of others and even though her life was taken she showed  heroism by saving her students. This is one of many knights in today world. They may not be in shiny armor, but they definitely fight for their lives.

- Alexandra Sherman

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