Saturday, January 26, 2013

Knights in Pop Culture

This scene, which happens often, in the TV series house could be an example of King Arthur.  House and his medical team use this table as a place to make all the important descisions about patients.  The whole team gathers around the table and shares thoughts and ideas reuarding the current case that they are working on.

In the movie, A Walk to Remember, Landon could be considered a knight.  He is a bad boy, into fighting and a little bit of bullying others.  When he meets Jamie he beomes a chivalrous man that she never imagined.  Toward the beginning Jamie never believes that Landon could change so much.  Because of love he changes and ends up being the best thing that could have happened to her, even though she doesnt realize it.  Landon shows examples of courtley love, he can't stop thinking about her and will do anything to be with her. 

Melissa Brown

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