Tuesday, January 22, 2013


If one were to ask a group of individuals who their hero is and why, chances are that there will be a variety of responses. Two individuals may have the same hero for different reasons or even different heroes for the same reason. In my opinion, a hero is an individual who is driven, brave, selfless, and honest. They must have strong beliefs and live according to those beliefs.

In Merlin, both Merlin and Arthur display characteristics of a hero. Merlin recognized that Arthur was in trouble and did everything he could to save Arthur’s life. He attempted to kill the Black Knight on his own which illustrates his bravery. He also urged Arthur to distinguish between courage and wisdom which showed great wisdom on his part. When things seemed hopeless, he did not give up. He found a way to kill the dead to save Arthur.

Arthur was also a hero because he honored his knight’s code despite the circumstance. He also accepted a dangerous challenge to prevent the death of others. He was not willing to sit by and watch others die simply because he was next in line to be king.

I do not consider King Uther a hero because he was originally willing to let his son die because of his mistakes. He stepped up in the end, but he still did wrong and was not accepting responsibility for that.

In the Supernatural, Sam was a hero because he put the needs of others before his own. He went into the sewers to save the virgins. When fighting the dragon men he let the one go so that he could help get the one that was attacking Dean. 

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