Friday, January 18, 2013

Why they are heros

   Many years ago you had fight to the death to receive the title of a hero. As we watched in Merlin it was impressive for a young boy like Merlin to want to help save his land as well as his friend.  By him secretly taking action to make the situation better as well as getting helps from others, showed he was not afraid of the consequences because he believe what he was doing was really going to make a difference in the end. Also in Merlin, Author was a hero for stepping up to the battle after two of his men already died.  However his father Uther was a true hero for saving his son and putting his life on the line. Even though Author did not like that his father kept him from the battle, he needs to understand that his father was a true hero for saving his life.  But the most important hero's were the two men that died for their village with honor because they believed it was their duty.  Any one who dies for someone else is in my eyes a hero.

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