Friday, January 18, 2013

Knights of Today

In today's world we see knights a little differently than people did years ago.  However, we might actually have the same personality qualities as knights did, just not how they dress.  For example, a knight back then would step up for their village or town and fight for protection.  Same with today we have men and women joining the military voluntarily to help protect and keep their country safe.  And any of these service men and women would die for their country because it is an honor.  Also, police, firemen, and any first responders truly are heros and knights of today's world.  They are always helping those in need, stopping crime and fixing things to better our society are the "knights in shining armor". Even doctors and nurses are heros and knights for caring for people in their hardest times of their life.  You do not have to lay down your life for someone to be a knight but maybe just being there to comfort or help treat someone is helping them in their eyes is a hero.

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