Friday, January 18, 2013

Ways Someone Becomes a Hero

Someone becomes a hero when he or she risks his or her own life for the life of another by taking great action in a dangerous situation. An example would be when an ordinary citizen jumps into a lake to save a child who is drowning or a fireman who runs into a burning building to save an old lady and her twelve cats. The hero knows that what he is about to do could cost him his life, but he knows that it is the right thing to do. He knows that if he does not do it, maybe no one else would either. Another way someone becomes a hero is when he or she is able to sacrifice. A hero sacrifices time, luxuries, and his or her own needs. A perfect example is an American Soldier. A soldier sacrifices time at home to be with his family. A soldier sacrifices the luxuries of warm, clean showers and the comfort of a home. He also, sacrifices his own needs of safety, food, and shelter. Soldiers do this for the safety, the well being, and freedom for the people of his or her country. In “Merlin,” the loyal knights sacrificed their own life for their king and for the prince. The King put his own life at risk for the sake of his only son. In supernatural, the two brothers out their own lives at risk, and sacrificed their  own safety for the safety of innocent women.

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