Wednesday, May 8, 2013
unsolved mysteries
There are many unsolved mysteries in our world today. One of those mysteries is the loch ness monster. Many people have claimed to see the oddly shaped creature but it have never been proven that the monster is indeed real. Another unsolved mystery is that of the creature they call bigfoot. Many people have claimed to see bigfoot as well, and there have even been people that have dressed as the creature to create the illusion the bigfoot does exist. These are mysteries that have been unsolved for generations and will continue to be debated in the future.
There are many examples of current detectives today on television and in the movies. One example of a detective is Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU. She is by far my favorite detective. She is just as bad ass as any other guy detective out there, and it is great to see a woman in that role on television in our world today. Another example of detectives, thinking outside of the box, is journalist. Every journalist, whether it be for TV or newspaper acts as a detective to get the scoop on the story. Whether they are covering news, sports, or weather, they must dig until they find the true story that they can publish or go live on-air with.
Nick Marini
Nick Marini
Knights today
I believe the equivalent of Knights today are people like firefighters and the police. They are the true heros of todays world. They are the ones who risk their lives every day to protect us, and save our lives on a daily basis. People like that are the TRUE heros today.
Becoming a hero
There are specific ways that people always become heros. One of them always seems to be rescuing, then ending up with the damsel in distress. You usually see in movies that the hero, or the good guy, saves a woman from some kind of emotional or physical distress, then in the end of the movie ends up being with that woman. Another way someone becomes a hero is defeating the big villain that everyone says has no chance of being defeated. Usually the hero works up enough courage to fight the villain, then after a grueling battle ends up with the victory.
Nick Marini
Nick Marini
Dark Knight
The film modernizes the story of batman very well. With all of the high tech equipment in the movie, batman has come a very long way from the days of Michael Keaton as batman. For example, just look at the batmobile, and the weapons that batman and the joker use. In the 70's and 80's things like that would of be unheard of in the batman movies. Seeing those kind of things being incorporated into the movies makes them modern, and easily to relate to since those are the things we see in todays world.
Nick Marini
Nick Marini
In this post, I will explain two nobodies who became heroes. One of those "nobodies" was without a doubt Captain America. He was a soldier who was a true nobody. An everyday guy, who was as skinny as a bean pole and just wanted to fight for his country. He was told he only had one chance to do so, and it was to be a part of a new experiment. Making a long story short, the experiment turned him into the ultimate soldier, with unlimited strength and he became a great hero in the eyes of his country. Another hero from a nobody could be Captain Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow started as nobody sailor, and decided to take up the role of a pirate. As many could see him as a villain, many saw him as a hero. He got other sailors out of big time trouble by leading them on voyages and getting them a crew to use for their boat.
Nick Marini
Nick Marini
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Inspiring Personal Heoes
Inspiring personal Heroes
An important aspect of everyone's life are the people they look up to as heroes. These role models help mold each person as they become mature. I personally have many heroes who inspire me and motivate me to be a better person. Some of these personal heroes include:
My Dad -
Rich Froning (Crossfit Athlete) -
My Close Friends -
Anne Lamott (Author) -
These are just a few examples of people who inspire me and motivate me to push myself to become a better person day in and day out. Whether I'm close to them or only know them through their words or actions, all of them play an important role in who I am today, and who I will be tomorrow.

Heroes in Fiction
Heroes are an interesting group of people, and have been helped by greatly in my opinion of fiction literature as well as myths. Real heroes undoubtedly came first, I could delve into my metaphysical rationale behind that but it would be off topic and unwarranted.
The first fictional hero that comes to mind is Abraham De Lacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley the alley cat. O'Malley unselfishly goes out of his way to help Duchess and her kittens back to Paris. His work involves not only letting them stay at his home, but also going to rescue them once they find trouble awaiting them in their own home. O'Malley is the definition of chivalry, and shows bravery and generosity to the Parisian aristocats, despite being in a lower social caste.
The next hero that comes to mind would have to be Ransom from C.S. Lewis's space trilogy. Portrayed as a Christ-like figure, Ransom is asked to remain even keeled despite making numerous journey's to foreign planets, encountering obstacles beyond his understanding, and having, in some circumstances, no hope of returning home. Throughout the entire endeavor Ransom maintains his generous, understanding mentality, and keeps the betterment of humanity in his sight.
The first fictional hero that comes to mind is Abraham De Lacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley the alley cat. O'Malley unselfishly goes out of his way to help Duchess and her kittens back to Paris. His work involves not only letting them stay at his home, but also going to rescue them once they find trouble awaiting them in their own home. O'Malley is the definition of chivalry, and shows bravery and generosity to the Parisian aristocats, despite being in a lower social caste.
The next hero that comes to mind would have to be Ransom from C.S. Lewis's space trilogy. Portrayed as a Christ-like figure, Ransom is asked to remain even keeled despite making numerous journey's to foreign planets, encountering obstacles beyond his understanding, and having, in some circumstances, no hope of returning home. Throughout the entire endeavor Ransom maintains his generous, understanding mentality, and keeps the betterment of humanity in his sight.
The First Hero Stories
I wish we could have started further back than the 1400 and King Arthur and started with the Greeks. I feel like the Greek Myths played a huge part in the evolution of the hero and it would have been interesting to discuss the more prominent Greek heroes. I've always been interested in Greek literature and even today a lot of those stories are recycled into movies.
Release the Kracken - Zues 2012
Release the Kracken - Zues 2012
My Hero
My grandfather is my hero. He passed away 4 years ago, it was honestly the worst day of my life. He was the srongest man I ever knew, he worked through the pain of his knees and and the heat of the sun. He had recently had one knee replacement and had started to go back to work and started to go back to the farm. The farm was one of his favorite places to be. He was a few months shy of retireing from work before he passed away. He was also one of the hardest working men I ever knew. He worked all of his life for everything he had, he took great care of my grandmother and the rest of my family. He passed away from a heart attack at the farm, it was so sudden. We all miss him so much everyday! I chose to write about him becuase it related to the subject of the class "heros". My grandfather is my Hero!
Sheldon Cooper as a Hero
I have no shame in admitting that my favorite show is "The Big Bang Theory." It undoubtedly always makes me laugh, between Sheldon always being an unintentional jerk, the costumes, the comic book debates, Penny, the awkward relationships, and the list goes on.
In this episode below, there is tension going on between the guys, and even though Sheldon is terrible at identifying and empathizing with other people's emotions, he realizes that he must do something to reunite them. Sheldon musters up his courage and takes one for the team by sacrificing himself for the sake of his friends. Like we have been learning all semester, all types of heroes possess some amount of courage, strength, knowledge, and sacrificial qualities like Sheldon does here in this episode.
In this episode below, there is tension going on between the guys, and even though Sheldon is terrible at identifying and empathizing with other people's emotions, he realizes that he must do something to reunite them. Sheldon musters up his courage and takes one for the team by sacrificing himself for the sake of his friends. Like we have been learning all semester, all types of heroes possess some amount of courage, strength, knowledge, and sacrificial qualities like Sheldon does here in this episode.
Famous Pirates
1.) Captain Kidd
-His real name was William Kidd, an American pirate. He buried his treasures
on Long Island and in 1701, he was captured and hanged for crimes he committed.
2.) Howell Davis
-He was an English pirate of the Carribean Sea. He was a pirate for only 11 months before he was captured and killed in 1719. Howell is best known for his bribing and tricking techniques with enemies because most pirates used guns and ammo.
-His real name was William Kidd, an American pirate. He buried his treasures
on Long Island and in 1701, he was captured and hanged for crimes he committed.
2.) Howell Davis
-He was an English pirate of the Carribean Sea. He was a pirate for only 11 months before he was captured and killed in 1719. Howell is best known for his bribing and tricking techniques with enemies because most pirates used guns and ammo.
Dexter Morgan
For this blog post I decided to discuss my favorite anti-hero that could also be considered a hero, Dexter Morgan. Dexter is a serial killer who kills by a code of ethics instilled into him by his father. Dexter only kills other killers. Dexter is a vigilante of sorts. He works for the Miami police department as well so he has two different sides of his life in both of which he is a sort of hero. As people discover Dexter's secret many find him to be a sort of hero cleaning up the streets of Miami. Dexter is not only one of my favorite shows but also one of my favorite heroes.
My favorite pirate is Captain Jack Sparrow. He is a hero and
an anti-hero. Throughout the pirate’s moves you can see Jack conflicted between
right and wrong while trying to live solely for himself. He wants people to
think of him as a bad guy, and he wants to be powerful. But truthfully he
always helps out his friends.
I was not selected captain of my high school football team, but i still was considered a leader. my coach would always tell me make sure everyone was doing their assignments on the line because i was the center. Centers always make the calls on the line and i was proud to be that part. I think i made a difference because all the other linemen would ask me what to do and i would explain to them what to do. Also the freshmen would look up to me. That is my leadership story.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
I was the co-captain of the soccer team for the 2012 season and with that title came multiple responsibilities. I had to a leader on and off of the field. As a co-captain I needed to have initiative, integrity, and decisiveness. I was responsible for leading the team warm-ups and other activities along that line. I was in charge of making sure that equipment got from point A to point B. The qualities of being a captain and a leader go hand in hand and are essentially equivalent.
my experience as captain
I have had the experience of being
the captain of a high school and college tennis team. The number one thing that
I had learned as being a captain of a sports team was that it takes humbleness.
Being the captain of a team does not mean that I am the best player on the team
or even the best leader. I found humbleness as a team captain because I have to
sometimes give others the opportunity to lead because leaders sometimes have to
As a captain I have to be someone that the team can come to if
they are struggling with anything. It can be tennis or non-tennis related. I
have to be able to give advice and help others on the team. I am also
responsible for keeping the team up lifted and motivated for matches. I
encourage the team to keep their heads up when they win and when they lose. I
also encourage the ones that do not get much time on the court. I especially
need to encourage the freshmen that are new to the adjustments of college.
I got the position to be captain
because I had the most experience and the oldest on the team. I had to learn
from the previous team captains on what to do and I have to be able to be an
example for the future captains of the team.
I think the most important thing I
do as a captain is to make sure everyone has fun and gets along. Whether we
have a losing season or a winning season, I want make sure the girls are able
to say that their season was memorable.
The Ultimate Hero
Below are lyrics to Skillets song "Hero" and it talks about how we are just normal people but are faced with challenges and we need a hero. This has been the theme of most of the class. We are all faced with a problem and need saving. This song obviously talks about God being the hero, but can be taken in a more literal sense, also. Life is not all butterflies and flowers, it is hard work and not always the greatest at times, but we need to have something to believe it, have hope that someone will be there to save us. We need something or someone to look up to and trust in....
Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I've got a hero
I'm just a step away
I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today
I am just a man
Not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate
It's just another war
Just another family torn
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live
I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero
I'm just a breath away
Losin' my faith today
I am just a man
Not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate
It's just another war
Just another family torn
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live
I need a hero to save me now
I need a hero
I need a hero to save my life
A hero'll save me
I've gotta fight today
To live another day
Speakin' my mind today
I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
My voice will be heard today
It's just another war
Just another family torn
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves
I need a hero to save my life
I need a hero just in time
Save me just in time
Save me just in time
Who's gonna fight for what's right
Who's gonna help us survive
We're in the fight of our lives
A hero'll save me
I've gotta fight today
To live another day
Speakin' my mind today
I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
My voice will be heard today
It's just another war
Just another family torn
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves
I need a hero to save my life
I need a hero just in time
Save me just in time
Save me just in time
Who's gonna fight for what's right
Who's gonna help us survive
We're in the fight of our lives
Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I've got a hero
Livin' in me
I'm gonna fight for what's right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time
I need a hero
Who's gonna fight for what's right
Who's gonna help us survive
I need a hero
Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I need a hero
I need a hero
A hero's gonna save me just in time
I'm gonna fight for what's right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
A hero's not afraid to give his life
A hero's gonna save me just in time
I need a hero
Who's gonna fight for what's right
Who's gonna help us survive
I need a hero
Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I need a hero
I need a hero
A hero's gonna save me just in time
The Unseen Hero
There are many heroes in my mind
that go unseen or who are not recognized. There are many people out there who
make a difference in others’ lives in a heroic way but are not always boasted
about. Some of these people are benefactors who host charity events or meals
for the needy. They are major contributors to education foundations and health
oriented foundations such as cancer societies. Other heroes could be charity
workers who are out providing service for those who are in need or doctors
performing medical treatments for free. Without the work of charity workers,
there are many homeless and low income families who would go hungry. Doctors
who perform medical treatments for free save the lives of those who may not
have otherwise had the treatment without their generosity. Another hero that
everyone can relate to is his/her mentor or idol. This is the person who we
strive to be like and who encourages us to work to our fullest potential. These
people can give us the support that is needed when our friends and family do
not, as well as support us when we are doing great things.
These all are heroes in peoples’ lives that
are not always recognized. Without these unseen heroes, many lives would go
unchanged from the lack of their support. The lasting impact that the unseen
hero can make on our lives is everlasting, and potentially one of the most
influential parts of our lives.

Pirates seen in today's world
I never thought anything of the Pittsburg Pirates and their name until this year in english class. I realized that it can relate to what we are learning in class. Even in today's world we are still seeing pirates and logos and different things throughout our lives that can relate to literature. Now when I think of the Pittsburg Pirates I will think back to this english class and all the different things I have learned from it.
My Favorite Hero
In this class we have covered men in capes, vampire slayers,
spaceship captains and other crazy things.
However, the one thing that we covered that I thought I would be excited
about was wizards! I was disappointed with Harry Dresden but he did not change
my love for Harry Potter. I think that
Harry Potter should definitely be incorporated into this class. The whole class is focused on heroes and
Harry is most certainly one of them. He
helps people, fights for what he believes in, fights for his girl, and has a
wand that he uses to cast spells. Harry
Potter can be a classic example of a hero and we can just see the popularity of
this story line from large number of books and movies that have been sold since it
has come out. Harry Potter even has his
own theme park that was modeled after him.
The United States obviously sees him as a hero and I think that he would
bring a new light to the class. We didn't get to see any broom riding, three headed dogs, chocolate frogs or giant snakes
this semester and I really think it would spice things up!
A Culture of Anti-Heroes
A newly-aired A&E drama, Bates Motel, prequels the renowned classic horror film, Psycho. Only about five episodes have aired, but the new show exemplifies numerous anti-heroes. Obviously,the most predominate character, Norman Bates, could be observed as the classic anti-hero simply because we all know of his murderous future. However, I believe arguments could be made supporting his mother or the policeman has the dominate anti-hero.
SPOILER ALERT: As of now, the series depicts the policeman, a.k.a. Norman's mother's new boyfriend, as the ultimate anti-hero--protective, loyal policeman on duty and aggressive sex trafficking customer on the down time. This detail within the series provides an interesting plot twist, as well as a twist on the flawed hero stereotype.
SPOILER ALERT: As of now, the series depicts the policeman, a.k.a. Norman's mother's new boyfriend, as the ultimate anti-hero--protective, loyal policeman on duty and aggressive sex trafficking customer on the down time. This detail within the series provides an interesting plot twist, as well as a twist on the flawed hero stereotype.
NHL Playoffs! Why Beards?
So why grow the beard? Well, the tradition started in the 1980s by the New York Islanders, but no one really knows why. Some say it just kind of happened playing four games in five nights and became a thing of unity for hockey teams. Other's have said its a way to start thinking about the playoffs as soon as you wake up in the morning. However, one thing is for sure. And that is the fact that playoff beards have become a tradition of nhl playoffs and they are not going any where. In fact In 2009, the Beard-a-thon campaign was launched to encourage fans to grow their own playoff beards for charity. Since then the "Beard-a-thon" has raised over one million dollars to NHL charities.
Tennyson Poem
Here's a link to the Tennyson Poem. Be sure to read it before the final next week!
Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Severus Snape
I did not want to go through an entire class about heroes without discussing, in some way, my favorite story of heroes: Harry Potter. There are so many heroes surrounding the 7 greatest books of all time but I wanted to talk specifically about Severus Snape being a hero. As readers, we assumed that he was a bad guy for a majority of the story, however, the exact opposite turned out to be true. Snape was a good guy all along. One of the most heroic things he did was sacrifice himself for Harry, out of love for Harry's mother, and in my opinion, out of love for Harry. Severus Snape deserves to be recognized as a hero by all.
Coming To An End
Its scary to think that in a few short days that I will be graduating from Waynesburg University. This was a class I looked forward to each week because it was the only class that was not in my major classes. It was great to have a class that did not talk about social problems, psychology, criminology, and law. I enjoyed reading and watching about different hero's, characters, and learning different writing styles. This class has really helped open my eyes to some stuff I would not normally read/watch on a daily basis. Thank you for providing a class that was fun and helped reach my literature general education requirement that actually wanted me to read more on the different genres we have discussed!
Monday, April 29, 2013
My Favorite Anti-Hero
So my all-time favorite anti-hero has got to be-- you guessed it-- Spike! The character that Joss Whedon creates and develops over the course of six seasons of Buffy. He makes the leap from the villain you kind of want to see win, to a true hero by the end of the series. The demon trials that he faces to get his soul back for the sake of Buffy and his final sacrifice in season 7 make him such a great character.
Personally, as much as I liked having him back in Angel I felt in kind of cheapened what he did for Buffy at the end of season 7.
Personally, as much as I liked having him back in Angel I felt in kind of cheapened what he did for Buffy at the end of season 7.
The Real Hero
Since the semester is coming to an end and we have discussed and viewed many different individuals who have made the journey to the plane of heroes, I feel that it is appropriate to give my final insight of this class. I believe that anyone can be a hero. I do not however mean the farm boy as we discussed in class, or the people who are born in to a hero ideal. I mean you. I believe that the only thing that stands in the way of becoming a hero for anyone is the will to become one. This will does not have to be the act of fighting and protecting your loved ones from harm, but simply to just believe in yourself and know when to act. You can be a hero for anyone, whether that means you act as a role model for the growing youth or by doing one small favor that sparks someone to achieve a lifetime of greatness in response to one incident spurred by you. I believe that each of us has the potential to be a hero. All it takes is a little bit of confidence and a will to be the one to act, even if it is the smallest of deeds.
Heroes 2013
I could not wait to take this class and I'm glad i did because i really enjoyed it. I liked all the movies and TV shows we were able to watch in class. Although i was a little lost when it came to Detective Dee, I was grateful for the experience. I did however end up enjoying The Princess Bride the most. It is one of my favorite movies, along with Batman (who is undoubtably my favorite hero- with Ironman coming at a close second). We did not, however, get to enjoy my favorite shows which happen to be Castle and Scandal. We did get to see Nathan Fillion in Firefly, but I like him as Castle better.
This Class
I decided to take this class because I like most others love heroes and everything that goes along with it. I also liked the fact it was a film class, I've never had a film class before so it was something different for me to experience. This class got me to try new ways to do projects that I normally would not do. I was able to watch episodes of shows and movies that I would not normally decide to watch. This class also got me to read a book that I had considered to read but I decided not to, but now I am going to start reading the series.
Jackie Robinson
My most influential, from a sporting standpoint, has to be Jackie Robinson. There was recently a film
that was released, titled "42" that told the life story about Jackie Robinson. Robinson was the first
ever professional baseball player to break the color barrier in the 1940's. The game of baseball was still
segregated, and blacks were not allowed to play the game, only white players. Robinson decided he
was going to break this rule, and would become the first ever black member of a professional sports
team. He debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1943, and ever since has set the precedent for all black
players. If you look at some sports today, such as basketball, baseball and football, they are
predominantly made out of black or latin players. All of them owe their thanks to Robinson, for having
the courage to step up and be the first ever african american to play the game.
Military Heroes
Real heroes are the ones the risk their lives everyday. Our military troops are among those heroes. They face pain and loss and go into the military knowing that they will have to face those things but they still stand and fight to defend our country.
Captain Jack Sparrow
When asked to think about Captains, Pirates, and Heroes there is no one who comes to mind other than Captain Jack Sparrow. The Pirates of the Caribbean movies are my absolute favorite movies of all time, and I have loved Jack Sparrow since the beginning! Just the other day Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest was on, and I realized that Jack Sparrow really is a hero. Towards the end of the movie, The Black Pearl is being taken over by the Cracken, and Jack flees; however, he then realizes that he cannot leave them alone and returns to the ship. Although Elizabeth has to cuff him to the ship so he will stay, this is still an extremely heroic move. Jack wants to know what it feels like to be admired and seen as a "good guy." He has a very dark and mysterious side, no doubt, but he will always be seen as a hero in my eyes.
Captain America!
I decided to write my blog about my favorite
superhero. My favorite superhero is Captain America. I love Captain America because
he represents everything a hero should strive to be, which is humble, unselfish,
compassionate, respectful and courageous. I also love Captain America because of
the process he had to take to become a hero. Similar to Joseph Campbell’s
depiction of a hero’s journey, Captain America had an unbelievable journey to
become a hero. I think everyone tends to root for Captain America because he
was once a small nobody and became the savior for the United States. My
favorite part of Captain America’s is the fact that he represents and fights
for the United States. To understand the essence of Captain America you just
have to read Dr. Erskine’s quote regarding him, “This is why you were chosen.
Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for
that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion.”
Captain America definitely relates to our class because he is a captain and a
hero. He is also an example of a “farm boy” hero.
My hero
This class has definitely had me thinking about heroes but not the kind that can scale walls and fly from roof top to roof top. No my heroes are my parents. This august they will have been married 25 years. I cannot say it was the a perfect 25 years but they have taught me everything I know. My dad is probably the person I look up to the most. He is not only strong and fearless but he is an amazing follower of Christ. He has taught me that there is nothing more important than than my relationship with God. He tells me his past and is honest with me about things that he did. I know that I can talk to him about anything and he will always be there and support me. No supernatural hero can replace the loving kindness of a father. He is and always will be my hero.
English 235
I thoroughly enjoyed this class. The movies and selected readings fit the class perfectly and made a 3 hour class interesting. Heroes in Lit is a class I looked forward to because Dr. Jamie always made it fun and no matter what the subject was that we talked about in class, she always makes it relate. The viewings were wonderful because they opened my eyes to films and shows I've never seen before as well as the books we read which made me want to explore other styles of writing and literature. The multi-genre projects were a bit tricky at times but overall I feel it really challenged us to make that connection that Dr. Jaime stresses so much and I feel they are very essential to the class as well. Overall I would suggest this to other students who need or want to take a lit class.
Lit 235
When I signed up for this class I knew it would be a
fun class because I had you, Mrs., Dessart for class my freshman year and it
was fun, I am happy I did sign up for this class learned a lot about the
differences of literature and how to read movies that is something I never knew
how to do before taking this class. Usually when I watched a movie in class I would
never know how to read the movie while watching it but now I do. I am glad I choose this class over the other literature
classes because I learned a lot and watched many films I never seen before. So
overall I really enjoyed this class and would recommend others to take the
The Dark Side...
Throughout the course of this semester in Heroes in
Literature, I have learned so much about human nature. There were many viewings
of movies and other short episodes of shows that I have never seen before. I
remember feeling very distraught and upset while leaving class especially after
viewing King Arthur and The Dark Night. I realized that there really is a dark
side.. EVERYONE has one. I believe that I tend to look for only the good in
people, but maybe in reality, I am just ignoring the fact or I am in disbelief
that a bad side exists. I don’t like to think about the dark side. After having
multiple conversations with friends about this class and how it made me feel, I
realized that my mentality is almost like that of a person that believes that
there is no hell. Just because it is something that is not pleasant to think
about, does NOT mean that it is not still VERY much real. This class forced me
to view things that I never had a desire to see, but I learned a great deal. It
made me think in depth about humanity. Though this class taught me mostly about
the dark side of people (at least that is what I took from the class), I have
not once forgot that there are good people out there. There are modern day
knights and heroes ready to fight the darkness…
Heroes: Superman
In this class we learned a lot about heroes. We
learned about heroes from all different kinds of genres and even heroes from
different countries. Now, when I think of a hero I think of someone who always
does the right thing and never loses. The one hero that we briefly talked about
and may be the biggest hero of them all, in my opinion, is Superman. Superman
is the perfect hero story. He was sent away from his home planet by his father
to save his life. When superman arrived here he was completely different and
then goes on to care about the people of Earth enough to protect them. All
while trying to win over Louis Lane as his human side Clark Kent. Can we really
get a better hero than Superman?
Some quotes from leaders
I just wanted to share a view quotes from various leaders over time. I'm really into reading quotes from various people over time because it seems that the good ones always stay applicable to our modern times.
"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves."
Lao Tzu
"I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people."
Mahatma Gandhi
"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves."
Lao Tzu
"I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people."
Mahatma Gandhi
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Life Acts a Bit Like Jack Sparrow
Alright, so, in recent thought I have noticed that life acts a bit like Jack Sparrow.
You see, we expect life to meander along in a slow and gentle pace, for we are humble blacksmiths who sit by and admire the beauty of the woman we cannot possibly have.
And then life walks in. Life is a sassy, drunk pirate who liberates us of these thoughts and shows us how things aren't meant to meander.
Take for instance, my life. I live at about a steady 60 mph, on normal days, I'm a busy person, but I'm not extremely busy. I do my thing, go to my meetings and generally move along.
Then one day, Kayla (my bestie) stops this cute blonde boy outside of the library.
Next thing I know, we're watching Bravest Warriors in his room and I send Kayla a text that says "he's really cute." when I leave for work.
Three days later, hey, I'm in a relationship.
In my own mind, I'm like WHAAAT? I've been learning to live with my lot this semester and accept that maybe right now isn't the best time for a relationship and them BAM out of nowhere comes the sassy drunk pirate. However, my personal pirate happens to be a guy who might have walked out of my dreams.
I went from the wasteland of dedicating myself to school work to now still dedicating myself but with someone with me. It's a strange thing. They say that it is weird to be single after a long period of being in a relationship, but it's also weird to be in a relationship.
Of course, I say this in the most thankful way, because I couldn't have asked for a better sassy, drunk pirate.
As far as sassy, drunk pirates go, of course.
You see, we expect life to meander along in a slow and gentle pace, for we are humble blacksmiths who sit by and admire the beauty of the woman we cannot possibly have.
And then life walks in. Life is a sassy, drunk pirate who liberates us of these thoughts and shows us how things aren't meant to meander.
Take for instance, my life. I live at about a steady 60 mph, on normal days, I'm a busy person, but I'm not extremely busy. I do my thing, go to my meetings and generally move along.
Then one day, Kayla (my bestie) stops this cute blonde boy outside of the library.
Next thing I know, we're watching Bravest Warriors in his room and I send Kayla a text that says "he's really cute." when I leave for work.
Three days later, hey, I'm in a relationship.
In my own mind, I'm like WHAAAT? I've been learning to live with my lot this semester and accept that maybe right now isn't the best time for a relationship and them BAM out of nowhere comes the sassy drunk pirate. However, my personal pirate happens to be a guy who might have walked out of my dreams.
I went from the wasteland of dedicating myself to school work to now still dedicating myself but with someone with me. It's a strange thing. They say that it is weird to be single after a long period of being in a relationship, but it's also weird to be in a relationship.
Of course, I say this in the most thankful way, because I couldn't have asked for a better sassy, drunk pirate.
As far as sassy, drunk pirates go, of course.
Is anyone capable of becoming a captain of a ship?
I do not believe it is possible for anyone to become the captain of a ship. There are certain strengths that a captain must possess in order to be successful. If they do not possess these strengths to a great degree, then they will never even come close to reaching the position of captain. One key strength a captain must possess is the ability to put mistakes and misfortunes behind them quickly. For example, if a captain's crew is in a battle with pirates and his closest shipmate gets shot and killed, the captain must be able to remain focused and not waste a split second in distraction. They must remain focused and give out commands to his shipmates quickly and precisely in order to avoid more casualties. Some people are just not capable of doing this. Certain people are simply too sensitive to tragedies and get too emotionally shaken, preventing them from being fully dedicated to the mission. Another key attribute that a captain must possess is the ability to remain slightly separated from the rest of the crew. The captain has to be very authoritative at times and may have to suffer the resentment of their crew. If a captain allows himself to become too close to the people under him, he may be hesitant and unwilling to exert his authority because he begins to care too much about his image and friendships. If this happens, the crew will lose order at times and will be unprepared to face certain challenges at sea. Certain people are just not capable of maintaining this distance between the people under them. They may simply be too friendly or gentle to shift into the stern and cold mood that is sometimes necessary to command a ship.
Media in the Classroom
This class was not at all what I expected when I registered for a English Literature class, I was expecting books upon books of reading and lengthy papers to be written. But instead I found myself in a weird hybrid literature/film-viewing class which I really enjoyed. As a senior I have had a lot of classes by now and this was for sure the class with the most media usage in it, and I would honestly have to say it kept my attention very well and I really liked the formatting of the class. I found an article online about the use of media in the college classroom and I read it and I think it was very fitting for this class as I think back over what we have done this semester.
Throughout this class I have learned more about monsters, vampires, and super natural creatures than I thought I would, however, in the end they really opened my horizons and imagination. I am the type that could watch 10 love stories or chick flicks in a row and not get tired of them. The shows and movies we watched in class tied interesting plots, sometimes love stories, adventures, but most important heroes into all of them. This class helped me see what truly makes a hero and that basically anyone can be a hero. I also didn't realize how many heroes are in literature and for various and good reasons. I wish we could have talked about more modern heroes and compared them to heroes in the literature we read or talked about. Overall, I really learned a lot from this class and encourage other people to take the course, for everyone is a hero and can see how to become a better hero by the examples such as King Arthur or Luke Skywalker.
English 235 Heroes
When I first signed up for this class I was a little concerned because I didn't know how it would go or how I would like it. But looking back on it, I am happy I did sign up for this class and whether I knew it or not I did learn a lot about the differences of literature. Usually when you watch a lot of movies in a certain class people will get bored but that never happened at all in this class, our choices of movies where interesting even for someone like me who is not that interested in some of the specific genres we watched. I have never saw the movie The Princess Bride, nor would I have ever if I hadn't taken this class, but I really enjoyed it and found myself watching it this weekend when it was on television. So overall I did enjoy this class and would recommend others who are not that interested in literature to take the class, and I guarantee you will find yourself watching these movies on your own time.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Heroes in Literature
When I signed up for this class I didn't know what to expect and on the first day of class I was couldn't believe what I was hearing. This class has been one of my favorites because of the amount I learned and the fun I had at the same time. It was such a relaxed atmosphere that I was able to learn more and get more from the class than I think I would have if it were a typical Literature class. Learning about heroes in all the different ways they can be perceived is something that I keep challenging myself to find daily. Something that I think should be different would be the multi-genre projects. Instead of having so many I would make it a big project at the end of the year on all of the material learned through the class. Other than I loved everything about this class and hope it is still available in the future =]
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