Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A nobody who becomes a hero

I personally liked researching heroes in real life because they are much easier to relate to.

One example of a nobody who became a hero is a man named Jonathan Brito. His house had caught on fire and there was smoke all over the place. His wife managed to get outside, but two of his kids, ages two and four, were still upstairs. He went through completely black smoke in order to get to them and carried them out. He then bravely went back in to get his dog, Punchy, who was unconscious from the smoke. He got the dog outside and then performed CPR on him and got him to breathe. The dog was fine and began running around. I feel there is nothing braver than the classic example of running into extreme danger in order to save your children. It is an act of pure selflessness and caring that displays how strong a parent's love for his children are. I thought it was also very unique that he performed CPR on the dog. I have never heard of it being performed on animals before.

Another example of an everyday hero is a man named Jeremy Hernandez, a gym instructor. One day the front of a bus filled with 50 children was wedged somehow in a bridge collapse. The front exits were completely cut off and it was likely that the bus was going to gradually slip forward into the water. Amidst kids screaming and the whole bus shaking from the collapse, Jeremy ran to the back of the bus and opened up the back exit. He began instructing the kids to come his way and handed them to people on the street beneath them. I thought it was truly remarkable how calm this hero remained in the midst of such a deadly situation. Many lives were saved that day.

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