Wednesday, May 8, 2013

unsolved mysteries

There are many unsolved mysteries in our world today. One of those mysteries is the loch ness monster. Many people have claimed to see the oddly shaped creature but it have never been proven that the monster is indeed real. Another unsolved mystery is that of the creature they call bigfoot. Many people have claimed to see bigfoot as well, and there have even been people that have dressed as the creature to create the illusion the bigfoot does exist. These are mysteries that have been unsolved for generations and will continue to be debated in the future.


There are many examples of current detectives today on television and in the movies. One example of a detective is Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU. She is by far my favorite detective. She is just as bad ass as any other guy detective out there, and it is great to see a woman in that role on television in our world today. Another example of detectives, thinking outside of the box, is journalist. Every journalist, whether it be for TV or newspaper acts as a detective to get the scoop on the story. Whether they are covering news, sports, or weather, they must dig until they find the true story that they can publish or go live on-air with.

Nick Marini

Knights today

I believe the equivalent of Knights today are people like firefighters and the police. They are the true heros of todays world. They are the ones who risk their lives every day to protect us, and save our lives on a daily basis. People like that are the TRUE heros today.

Becoming a hero

There are specific ways that people always become heros. One of them always seems to be rescuing, then ending up with the damsel in distress.  You usually see in movies that the hero, or the good guy, saves a woman from some kind of emotional or physical distress, then in the end of the movie ends up being with that woman. Another way someone becomes a hero is defeating the big villain that everyone says has no chance of being defeated. Usually the hero works up enough courage to fight the villain, then after a grueling battle ends up with the victory.

Nick Marini

Dark Knight

The film modernizes the story of batman very well. With all of the high tech equipment in the movie, batman has come a very long way from the days of Michael Keaton as batman. For example, just look at the batmobile, and the weapons that batman and the joker use. In the 70's and 80's things like that would of be unheard of in the batman movies. Seeing those kind of things being incorporated into the movies makes them modern, and easily to relate to since those are the things we see in todays world.

Nick Marini


In this post, I will explain two nobodies who became heroes. One of those "nobodies" was without a doubt Captain America. He was a soldier who was a true nobody. An everyday guy, who was as skinny as a bean pole and just wanted to fight for his country. He was told he only had one chance to do so, and it was to be a part of a new experiment. Making a long story short, the experiment turned him into the ultimate soldier, with unlimited strength and he became a great hero in the eyes of his country. Another hero from a nobody could be Captain Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow started as nobody sailor, and decided to take up the role of a pirate. As many could see him as a villain, many saw him as a hero. He got other sailors out of big time trouble by leading them on voyages and getting them a crew to use for their boat.

Nick Marini

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Inspiring Personal Heoes

Inspiring personal Heroes An important aspect of everyone's life are the people they look up to as heroes. These role models help mold each person as they become mature. I personally have many heroes who inspire me and motivate me to be a better person. Some of these personal heroes include: My Dad - Rich Froning (Crossfit Athlete) - My Close Friends - Anne Lamott (Author) - These are just a few examples of people who inspire me and motivate me to push myself to become a better person day in and day out. Whether I'm close to them or only know them through their words or actions, all of them play an important role in who I am today, and who I will be tomorrow.

Heroes in Fiction

Heroes are an interesting group of people, and have been helped by greatly in my opinion of fiction literature as well as myths.  Real heroes undoubtedly came first, I could delve into my metaphysical rationale behind that but it would be off topic and unwarranted.

The first fictional hero that comes to mind is Abraham De Lacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley the alley cat.  O'Malley unselfishly goes out of his way to help Duchess and her kittens back to Paris.  His work involves not only letting them stay at his home, but also going to rescue them once they find trouble awaiting them in their own home.  O'Malley is the definition of chivalry, and shows bravery and generosity to the Parisian aristocats, despite being in a lower social caste.

The next hero that comes to mind would have to be Ransom from C.S. Lewis's space trilogy.  Portrayed as a Christ-like figure, Ransom is asked to remain even keeled despite making numerous journey's to foreign planets, encountering obstacles beyond his understanding, and having, in some circumstances, no hope of returning home.  Throughout the entire endeavor Ransom maintains his generous, understanding mentality, and keeps the betterment of humanity in his sight.

The First Hero Stories

I wish we could have started further back than the 1400 and King Arthur and started with the Greeks. I feel like the Greek Myths played a huge part in the evolution of the hero and it would have been interesting to discuss the more prominent Greek heroes. I've always been interested in Greek literature and even today a lot of those stories are recycled into movies.

Release the Kracken - Zues 2012

My Hero

My grandfather is my hero. He passed away 4 years ago, it was honestly the worst day of my life. He was the srongest man I ever knew, he worked through the pain of his knees and and the heat of the sun. He had recently had one knee replacement and had started to go back to work and started to go back to the farm. The farm was one of his favorite places to be. He was a few months shy of retireing from work before he passed away. He was also one of the hardest working men I ever knew. He worked all of his life for everything he had, he took great care of my grandmother and the rest of my family. He passed away from a heart attack at the farm, it was so sudden. We all miss him so much everyday! I chose to write about him becuase it related to the subject of the class "heros". My grandfather is my Hero!

Sheldon Cooper as a Hero

I have no shame in admitting that my favorite show is "The Big Bang Theory." It undoubtedly always makes me laugh, between Sheldon always being an unintentional jerk, the costumes, the comic book debates, Penny, the awkward relationships, and the list goes on. 

In this episode below, there is tension going on between the guys, and even though Sheldon is terrible at identifying and empathizing with other people's emotions, he realizes that he must do something to reunite them.  Sheldon musters up his courage and takes one for the team by sacrificing himself for the sake of his friends.  Like we have been learning all semester, all types of heroes possess some amount of courage, strength, knowledge, and sacrificial qualities like Sheldon does here in this episode.

Famous Pirates

1.) Captain Kidd
    -His real name was William Kidd, an American pirate. He buried his treasures
on Long Island and in 1701, he was captured and hanged for crimes he committed.

2.) Howell Davis
    -He was an English pirate of the Carribean Sea. He was a pirate for only 11 months before he was captured and killed in 1719. Howell is best known for his bribing and tricking techniques with enemies because most pirates used guns and ammo.

Dexter Morgan

For this blog post I decided to discuss my favorite anti-hero that could also be considered a hero, Dexter Morgan. Dexter is a serial killer who kills by a code of ethics instilled into him by his father. Dexter only kills other killers. Dexter is a vigilante of sorts. He works for the Miami police department as well so he has two different sides of his life in both of which he is a sort of hero. As people discover Dexter's secret many find him to be a sort of hero cleaning up the streets of Miami. Dexter is not only one of my favorite shows but also one of my favorite heroes.


My favorite pirate is Captain Jack Sparrow. He is a hero and an anti-hero. Throughout the pirate’s moves you can see Jack conflicted between right and wrong while trying to live solely for himself. He wants people to think of him as a bad guy, and he wants to be powerful. But truthfully he always helps out his friends.


I was not selected captain of my high school football team, but i still was considered a leader. my coach would always tell me make sure everyone was doing their assignments on the line because i was the center. Centers always make the calls on the line and i was proud to be that part. I think i made a difference because all the other linemen would ask me what to do and i would explain to them what to do. Also the freshmen would look up to me. That is my leadership story.